Do you wish to trade?\n Yes, I'll trade.\n No Thanks\n
Hmmm... you can't\nafford this card yet.\n
Which card do you seek?
Cards for Sale
%d gold
Buy for %d gold? (Y/N)
The card seller\nsuggests:\n\nôIf you combine this\n%1\nwith the\n%2\nyou already have, you can:\n\n
The card seller\nnotes:\n\nôIf you buy this %s, you can:\n\n
Opponent Ante
Your Ante
Those who near the stronghold\nof the Mighty %s\nwill be met with the firmest resistance.\nYou must...\n
Those who near the stronghold\nof the Mighty %s\nwill be met with the firmest resistance.\nYou must...\n
Those who would challenge the\nGreat %1 for\nSupremacy of %2 must...\n
Those who would challenge the\nGreat %1 for\nSupremacy of %2 must...\n
Those who enter the domain\nof the Mighty %s\nmust pay for the privilege.\nWill you...\n
Those who enter the domain\nof the Mighty %s\nmust pay for the privilege.\nWill you...\n
The %1 who inhabit the\ndomain of the Mighty %2\ntremble in fear of your visage.\nWill you...\n
The %1 who inhabit the\ndomain of the Mighty %2\ntremble in fear of your visage.\nWill you...\n
Duel this %s.\n
Accept tribute for your mercy?\n
Pay %d gold.\n
Pay 1 %s.\n
Answer a riddle.\n
Change ante card.\n
I thank you for your mercy granted.\nWould you like...\n
A spell from my deck?\n
The location of WORLDMAGIC cards?\n
Secrets from the %s?\n
%d Gold\n
40 Food\n
%d %s\n
black jewel
blue jewel
green jewel
red jewel
white jewel
black jewels
blue jewels
green jewels
red jewels
white jewels
Duel Anyway\n
Pick a spell
Which WM spell do you seek...\n
You have already gathered all of the\nWORLDMAGIC SPELLS!\n
%1 may be\nfound in %2.\n
You have already destroyed the %s\n
Lost this card
The Evil %s\nhas sent her\nmost trusted servant to\ntest your strength.\nYou must...\n
The Evil %s\nhas sent his\nmost trusted servant to\ntest your strength.\nYou must...\n
Why don't you try this deck!\n
%1 summons %2!s!!\n
%s has Mind Control!\n
%s has First Strike!\n
%1 has card: %2!s!!\n
(first clue)
(second clue)
(third clue)
You have defeated the\nslimy %s.\nWill you...\n
You have defeated the\nslimy %s.\nWill you...\n
Take the cards.\n Take the dungeon clue.\n
Won these cards.
Won this Amulet.
You are an Adequate Apprentice\nsays the %s:\n
You are an Adequate Apprentice\nsays the %s:\n
You are a Skillful Magician\nsays the %s:\n
You are a Skillful Magician\nsays the %s:\n
You are a Mighty Sorceress\nsays the %s:\n
You are a Mighty Sorceror\nsays the %s:\n
You are a Fearsome Wizardess\nsays the %s:\n
You are a Fearsome Wizard\nsays the %s:\n
You get your lives (%d)\ncarried over to the next duel.
You get +%d lives in next duel.
You won card: %s
You get first move\nin the next duel.
You get %s in the next duel.
You get Extra FOOD!
You get any card of your choice!\n
You get a duplicate card\nof your choice!\n
Pick a card
You get Extra GOLD!
Lost this card
The people are disappointed\nyou could manage no better than a draw\nagainst the slimy %s.
The people are disappointed\nyou could manage no better than a draw\nagainst the slimy %s.
Better Luck Next Time!\n
Note:\nYour magic bag only holds 500 spells\nand you currently have %d\n
You have defeated the dreaded\n%s. No longer shall\nher evil creatures oppress\nthe good people of Shandalar.\n
You have defeated the dreaded\n%s. No longer shall\nhis evil creatures oppress\nthe good people of Shandalar.\n
You may take any three\ndifferent %s.\n
Pick a card - %d left
Will you take this card...\n Yes\n No\n
You have defeated all five wizards!\nShandalar is free!\nPrepare to face the final challenge.\n
Your battles so far will banish the evil\nPlaneswalker Arzakon for %d years.\n
Each life it loses in the Final Battle\nwill banish it for 10 additional years.\nGood Luck!\n
You have protected the\nplane of Shandalar for\nthe next %d years.\n
The people rejoice!\n\nLife is good!\n
%1 attacking\n%2!s!!\n\n
Next Duel:
+%d lives
-%d lives
First Move
black mana stone:
blue mana stone:
green mana stone:
red mana stone:
white mana stone:
Mana Link\n
Return to\n%s
Take letter to\n%s
Take card to\n%s
Go North to\n%s
Go East to\n%s
Go South to\n%s
Go West to\n%s
Find a %1\n%2 spell\n
Defeat %s
The people of %s\nare sorry their quest\nwas not completed.\n
You have no power for even an Ante!\n\n
Your Righteous Quest has Failed\n\n
The Evil Planeswalker Arzakon\nand his Minion the\nEvil %s\nhave attained Dominion over the plane of Shandalar\n\n
The Evil Planeswalker Arzakon\nand his Minion the\nEvil %s\nhave attained Dominion over the plane of Shandalar\n\n
The Evil Planeswalker Arzakon\nand his Gruesome Minions\nhave worn you down\n\n
The people will suffer\na thousand more years of their oppression\nbefore another Savior shall rise up from amongst them\nto challenge the great Arzakon and his Slimy Minions\n
--- NEWS FLASH ---\n\n
%1 sends %2\nto attack %3!s!!\n
In retaliation for your effrontery\nthe Great %1 sends %2\nto attack %3!s!!\n
In retaliation for your effrontery\nthe Great %1 sends %2\nto attack %3!s!!\n
The Evil %1\ntaps %2!s!!\n
The Evil %1\ntaps %2!s!!\n
She needs %d more\nmana taps to cast\nthe Spell of Dominion!\n
He needs %d more\nmana taps to cast\nthe Spell of Dominion!\n